Mario Teleri Biason


Mario Teleri Biason

Mario Teleri Biason is regarded as one of Italy’s foremost experts in printmaking relating to both antique and contemporary prints. He is called regularly by the Instituto Nazionale per la Grafica -Calcografia and the Cabinet of prints and drawings in Rome and other organizations as an expert and consultantant in the field.

In 1990 he received a gold medal for graphics at the IX Roman “Vito Agresti” Prize for the Figurative Arts. He was the Curator of the exhibition “Creativita’e tecnica nell’incisione” at Palazzo Venezia Rome, “Prospettive” at Biblioteca Casanatense, Rome, and “Printmaking is forever” at the Indiana University, Bloomington.

He has also made documentaries on printmaking for RAI Italian Television.
He trained in the “bottega” tradition as assistant to Piero Dorazio, one of the foremost names in contemporary art in Italy, and now himself directs a bottega in Rome called “il Quadrato di Omega”, teaching, holding seminars and staging exhibitions.  He has also taugh drawing and printmaking at Temple University, Rome-Campus.